Tuesday, February 4, 2025

May his memory be a blessing

Here is buried the dear young (unmarried) man,
Isaac Div son of Eliezer Reuben who died at 22 years.
10 Shevat 5685 (4 February 1925)
May his soul be bound up in eternal life.
David Puskin


Monday, February 3, 2025

The lede is buried

The Troxel Family plot.
Uncle Charlie was dead and buried.

The heir was dead and they had buried the lede.

Did any of these crazy thoughts run through my great-grandfather's mind as he stared at the coffin and/or the grave?

My grandfather's?

Why do we say, 'the lede was buried"?

The "lede" is the introductory section of a news story that summarizes but entices the reader to read more.

Charlie was the heir, the lede, and now all those hopes, dreams, and expectations fell on my grandfather's young shoulders. He was expected to, and did, give up his engineering dreams.

Within two years he had left The Ohio State University and gone home to Logan and his father's business, Huls Printing.

No longer, "and Sons."

Another journalistic leftover is -30- which has been traditionally used by North American journalists  to indicate the end of a story or article.

Many journalists have even had it put on their tombstones.


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