Now that the medical dust had settled at Ohio State University, it was time for the criminal investigation. And please forgive me when I say the Keystone Cops (fictional incompetent policemen featured in silent film slapstick comedies between 1912 and 1917) might have done a better job.
As Grandpa Fred said in his 1987 letter to Benjamin Balshone, R.Ph.:After a while (t)hen Go(v)ernor Vic Danahey [sic] called for an investigation of the P(h)armacy Department and he appointed the Dean to investigate the tragedy (to investigate itself).
Grandpa Fred confused that a little. Dean Dye was appointed to head the initial investigation. When that was closed too early, Gov. Donahey weighed in. Donahey was originally a printer; in addition to working as a newspaper editor, he also owned his own printing company. I bet great-grandpa Gene personally knew him and pestered him with letters (possibly even telephone calls or telegraphs) despite their political differences.
I was thrilled to find this letter from Governor Alvin Victor "Vic" Donahey reprinted in the Feb. 20, 1925 issue of The Lantern:
After a while (t)hen Go(v)ernor Vic Danahey [sic] called for an investigation of the P(h)armacy Department and he appointed the Dean to investigate the tragedy (to investigate itself).Grandpa Fred confused that a little. Dean Dye was appointed to head the initial investigation. When that was closed too early, Gov. Donahey weighed in. Donahey was originally a printer; in addition to working as a newspaper editor, he also owned his own printing company. I bet great-grandpa Gene personally knew him and pestered him with letters (possibly even telephone calls or telegraphs) despite their political differences.
Text of Letterfrom GovernorGovernor Donahey's letter to Mr. Ford, dated February 17, follows in full:The Ohio Board of Pharmacy,Attention, Mr. M. N. Ford, Secretary, Columbus, O.Gentlemen — The investigation into responsibility for the recent poisonings at Ohio State University, resulting in the death of several students and near deaths of others, must not be permitted to end until every source has been exhausted.I am convinced, from informal evidence brought to my attention, that the University Dispensary, from which, it is believed, the fatal drugs were dispensed, has been loosely conducted. The law requires privately owned drug stores to be in charge of registered pharmacists at all times. The evidence, as it comes to me, shows this requirement was not always lived up to at the University Dispensary, although it was a full-fledged drug store.
Owners of private drug stores, so conducted are prosecuted. The state itself should not conduct a drug store in violation of its own laws. It should be more painstaking than private individuals or firms in living up to the spirit and letter of the law. If the persons in charge of the University Dispensary were derelict they should be prosecuted just as private individuals would be.I am directing you hereby, therefore, to make a thorough investigation of your own with a view to prosecuting the person or persons responsible for the reported laxity in the conduct of University Dispensary and, if possible to fix direct responsibility for the dispensing of the poisons which caused the recent unfortunate deaths.Very truly yours,(Signed) Vic Donahey,Governor.
As far as I can tell so far:
- Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1925: Ohio State University closes its internal investigation into the poisonings. City Police Prosecutor John J. Chester, Jr., says he will confer with Attorney General Charles C. Crabbe.
- Saturday, Feb. 14, 1925: Chester and State Pharmacy Board secretary M.N. Ford meet with Crabbe who tells them to continue the investigation. (Duh.)
- Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1925: Governor Donahey orders investigation of methods employed by the State Pharmacy Board.
- Monday, Feb. 23, 1925: investigation by the State Pharmacy Board begins, headed by Ford.
- Saturday, May 2, 1925: investigation by the State Pharmacy Board is nearly done, according to Ford.
- Oct. 3, 1925: Ford plans to submit a report "soon" to Governor Donahey covering eight months' investigation.
So far I can find no mention of its delivery, and great-grandpa Gene filled his suit against the State in December. Grandpa Fred said we had a copy at one time, but it was either lost or destroyed over the years. No other copies have been found at this time.
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