Charles Henry Huls
Logan, Ohio
January 28, 1925
Dear Folks:
This week's invalid will now be heard from. He is in no danger but plenty of misery although he is right now having a good laugh over the box of taffy which just came.
If you could see my face you would soon see that there isn't much room left for any taffy. Cold has settled in my lower jaw and every tooth has been aching since 9 last night. I slept very little and had to get up a couple of times to rub on baum. Was in bed all afternoon and the turn for the better is here now. Have been sitting for the last hour with an electric light bulb under my jaw, warming it up a little. Was going to get a hot water bottle, but the light does just as well. Am using plenty of baum and have three tubes left.
We got the package from Ewing and everything was there that I needed although he only sent 5 razor blades instead of a dozen. The fruit cake was the best part of the package. Jack Heed said it was the best he had ever eaten and said I didn't need to be bashful about offereing [sic] him a piece at any time, no matter how small it was.
I ran out of handkerchiefs today and Fred didn't have any (at least he couldn't locate them among the other stuff in his drawer) so I had to buy some.
If my face gets alright I'll probably drive home Friday afternoon but I won't take any chances of catching more cold on such a drive. Will have to close now as the old teeth are sure raising hell.
*typed on letterhead
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