Wednesday, January 19, 2022

I'm well and feeling fine

Charles Henry Huls
Logan, Ohio

January 19, 1925

Dear Mom:

    Received your letter of yesterday and the paper this noon. Your mention of the Hudson licenses reminds me to tell you that the Ford is now wearing 403,207 or something near that.

    The dress shirts were well packed and came in good condition. And regarding the pajamas, the mixup occured [sic] after Christmas vacation when there were too many in the wash.

    I think Pop has taken the right attitude in not wanting to run for mayor.* He will have his hands full with the paper and he doesn't need any more work and worries. It's about time that he starts to rest for a little while. Chief Myers said the other night when he was up here that he never saw a man who was so continually on the job.

    I enjoyed the editorials enclosed very much and certainly think Pop hit the nail on the head. I saw the one about girls smoking and cut it out and gave it to Ruth Trott to read. She became alarmed about being nervous so much lately and went to a doctor who told her that she had to quit so she has.

    I hdan't [sic] seen the statement by Thompson about no drinking in the University and certainly would like to be present if he ever makes such a statement. Was talking to Miss Auch, the student auditor today, and she says that something must be done about it. And the whole cause for the present situation is that there are too many old dry bags on the committee of student affairs. Old Prof. Tuttle of the Law college got up and said that there was very little if any drinking around the school and I really believe that such people have convinced Thompson that dry conditions exist. He's getting too old for the job and is held down too much by the trustees to certain duties to get around and find things for himself. I think that before I graduate I'll go to him and tell him a few things if I can get in to see him.

    Harden was only a pledge of the Betas. He would have been initiated this fall had he returned to school.

    Our new cook certainly is good. The meals are so different and so much better that I really enjoy eating here now. She gives us variety and although we have to have potatoes and things like that most every meal she fixes them in different ways so that we don't get tired of them. And she serves side dishes and salads nearly every night. The Sunday meals are real meals too. She is a colored woman and is very clean. She wears white all the time and you can't do that and wear them long. Old Ma Hessenger always wore the conventional black so that she never had to change clothes. I don't ever remember meeting her in the kitchen in any other color during the entire time she was here. I don't know whether she wore the same dress all the time or not but I'll bet she never had to hang them up when she undressed at night. And by the way, she is now living at the Beta house. Relly [sic], I feel sorry for the boys, although they might pledge here soon.

    Fred isn't feeling well tonight. He came home with a headache and didn't eat anything, but went to bed. He was asleep when I went in the dorm a little while ago. His whole trouble is that he is staying up all night too often. He is working too hard on the Makio and must quit. Really he is doing more work than is necessary. And he continually eats candy. He walks down stairs to a meal with a chocolate bar in his mouth. There is nothing seriously wrong with him but there will be if he doesn't start getting to bed by midnight. If he'd let me I could do a lot of Makio work for him during the afternoons when I have no classes, but he is pretty stubborn about such things.

    I sent my brown coat and vest home with the laundry to be cleaned with the trousers which I left at vacation. Have warners mail it to me as I am not just sure when I will be home. If I come this week it will have to be Sunday morning as there are too [sic] more committee meetings called for Saturday and it is important that I be there.

    Well, that's all and I'm going to get some sleep tonight so I'll close. I'm well and feeling fine and think Fred will be in the morning after about 15 hours sleep.


*A.E. Huls was mayor of Logan, Ohio from 1912-1916.
**typed on letterhead


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